What's the Big Deal?- Food Allergies and Sensitivities

A lot of people are suddenly claiming to have food allergies or sensitivities. Do you ever wonder why?

I work in public school. Every year the list of students with life threatening food allergies grows bigger! When I was a kid, I knew only two people with food allergies the entire time I was growing up. 

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What Does My Belly Have to Do with My Brain?

What Does My Belly Have to Do with My Brain?

How does what's going on in the digestive system affect the brain? Now that I understand more about how the body works, I realize if your digestive system isn't working, the rest of your body can't possibly work! But I have to say that for most of my life I just thought of food and digestion as calories and fat. I wanted to be sure I didn't eat too many calories, because that's the important thing, right? Being overweight makes you unhealthy, right?

I didn't pay attention to the fact that:

"Every cell that makes up every tissue that makes up every organ DEPENDS on the body's digestive system to provide nutrients it needs to keep functioning."

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The Good Guys- Probiotics

The Good Guys- Probiotics

I've been a fan of bacteria for a long time. I gave probiotics to my son and they helped him recover from waaaay too many antibiotics given to him as a baby (repeated ear infections).

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